Dealing with Mapbox hidden symbols (1. Collision box)

2022-08-20 (Updated on 2022-09-16)


I have been working on a utility library for Mapbox GL JS, that deals with symbols hidden by another symbol on the screen. This is the first blog post of the series that will walk you through the development of the library.


Mapbox GL JS (mapbox-gl-js) is a JavaScript library to display Mapbox maps on a web browser. mapbox-gl-js is a proprietary library of Mapbox, though it is open-sourced and we can still modify it as long as we stick to their Terms of Service.

We can show custom symbols at points on a map using symbol layers. The following image is a screenshot from an app I am developing; icons of droppings are "symbols". symbols example

When symbols overlap on the screen, mapbox-gl-js shows only the first one and hides other overlapping ones. As far as I know, there is no mapbox-gl-js API to get symbols hidden by a specific symbol on the screen*. This is not convenient for my app because it wants to list all the symbols including hidden ones at a clicked point. Although there is an option that makes mapbox-gl-js skip collision detection and show every single symbol on the screen, this will make the map too busy if there are many overlapping symbols.

So I decided to develop a library that can aggregate symbols overlapping with a specific symbol on a Mapbox map.

Edit (2022-08-29): The lbirary is available at

* Map#queryRenderedFeatures returns only visible symbols (features) but no hidden features. "click" event neither tells about hidden features.

Requirements for the library

With the library I am developing, we can query symbols intersecting with a given box on a specified layer whether symbols are visible or not.

On top of the above feature, we can query symbols hidden by a clicked symbol on a specified layer.

To simplify the problem, we only consider symbols without a label (text); i.e., icons only.

Collision detection

mapbox-gl-js does collision detection to determine which symbols it renders on the screen. If you turn on the property Map#showCollisionBoxes, mapbox-gl-js visualizes collision boxes of all the visible and hidden symbols on the screen. The following is an example of showing collision boxes (and circles) on a Mapbox map. collision boxes example

If we can obtain the positions and dimensions of these collision boxes along with symbol features from mapbox-gl-js, we can implement the library.

Getting collision boxes

Let's walk through the source code of mapbox-gl-js* to see if we can get collision boxes.

* I have analyzed the then latest version 2.9.2.

Collision boxes for debugging

Can we access the same information of collision boxes rendered when we turn on Map#showCollisionBoxes in a production environment where Map#showCollisionBoxes is false? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

SymbolBucket#textCollisionBox and SymbolBucket#iconCollisionBox contain the information of all the rendered collision boxes. SymbolBucket#updateCollisionBuffers updates SymbolBucket#textCollisionBox and SymbolBucket#iconCollisionBox, and Placement#placeLayerBucketPart calls it in symbol/placement.js#L435-L437:

        if (showCollisionBoxes && updateCollisionBoxIfNecessary) {
            bucket.updateCollisionDebugBuffers(this.transform.zoom, collisionBoxArray);

As you can see in the above code, the method is called only if showCollisionBoxes (= Map#showCollisionBoxes) is true. Since Map#showCollisionBoxes must be false for production, we cannot rely on SymbolBucket#textCollisionBox and SymbolBucket#iconCollisionBox. Even if we could utilize them, we still had to project them to the screen coordinate because they are in the tile coordinates.

Another source of collision boxes

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart is responsible for collision detection of symbols. The internal function placeSymbol processes each symbol. It calls its internal function placeIconFeature to test if the icon collides with other preceding symbols on the screen. placeIconFeature calls CollisionIndex#placeCollisionBox in symbol/placement.js#L709-L710, and it does actual collision tests:

                    return this.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(bucket, iconScale, iconBox, shiftPoint,
                        iconAllowOverlap, textPixelRatio, posMatrix, collisionGroup.predicate);

If no collision is detected, placeSymbol remembers the collision box of the symbol with CollisionIndex#insertCollisionBox. Unfortunately, it does not record the collision boxes of symbols that collide with other preceding collision boxes. So we have to recalculate the collision boxes of those symbols.

Thus, let's look into CollisionIndex#placeCollisionBox in the next section to understand how it calculates a collision box in the screen coordinate.

Anatomy of CollisionIndex#placeCollisionBox

The following shows the brief workflow of CollisionIndex#placeCollisionBox,

  1. In symbol/collision_index.js#L97-L99, obtain the position of the collision box in the tile space:

        let anchorX = collisionBox.projectedAnchorX;
        let anchorY = collisionBox.projectedAnchorY;
        let anchorZ = collisionBox.projectedAnchorZ;
  2. In symbol/collision_index.js#L104-L111, deal with the elevation:

        if (elevation && tileID) {
            const up = bucket.getProjection().upVector(tileID.canonical, collisionBox.tileAnchorX, collisionBox.tileAnchorY);
            const upScale = bucket.getProjection().upVectorScale(tileID.canonical,, this.transform.worldSize).metersToTile;
            anchorX += up[0] * elevation * upScale;
            anchorY += up[1] * elevation * upScale;
            anchorZ += up[2] * elevation * upScale;

    Adjust anchorX, anchorY, and anchorZ by the elevation.

  3. In symbol/collision_index.js#L114, project the anchor point to the screen coordinate:

        const projectedPoint = this.projectAndGetPerspectiveRatio(posMatrix, [anchorX, anchorY, anchorZ], collisionBox.tileID, checkOcclusion, bucket.getProjection());

    CollisionIndex#projectAndGetPerspectiveRatio, in short, multiplies posMatrix to the point ([anchorX, anchorY, anchorZ]) and corrects the perspective.

  4. In symbol/collision_index.js#L116-L120, scale and translate the collision box to the projectedPoint.point:

        const tileToViewport = textPixelRatio * projectedPoint.perspectiveRatio;
        const tlX = (collisionBox.x1 * scale + shift.x - collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.x;
        const tlY = (collisionBox.y1 * scale + shift.y - collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.y;
        const brX = (collisionBox.x2 * scale + shift.x + collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.x;
        const brY = (collisionBox.y2 * scale + shift.y + collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.y;
  5. In symbol/collision_index.js#L125-L142, determine if the collision box ([tlX, tlY, brX, brY]) collides with previously recorded collision boxes. This step is out of our scope.

To mock the above calculation (Steps 1 to 4), we have to prepare the following parameters,

According to my analysis, it is feasible to obtain the above parameters if Placement, Tiles, and SymbolBuckets are available. Placement is available as Style#placement, and Style is as Map#style. But we need further study to see how to obtain Tiles and SymbolBuckets.

The following subsections show you the details of my analysis.

Parameter: collisionBox

collisionBox is the iconBox argument given to placeIconFeature that placeSymbol calls at symbol/placement.js#L717 (and another line):

                    placedIconBoxes = placeIconFeature(collisionArrays.iconBox);

Then what is collisionArrays? collisionArrays is an argument of placeSymbol that Placement#placeLayerBucketPart calls at symbol/placement.js#L795 (and another line):

                placeSymbol(bucket.symbolInstances.get(i), i, bucket.collisionArrays[i]);

So collisionArrays is the ith element of SymbolBucket#collisionArrays. Please note that Placement#placeLayerBucketPart calls SymbolBucket#deserializeCollisionBoxes in symbol/placement.js#L431-L433 to initialize SymbolBucket#collisionArrays:

        if (!bucket.collisionArrays && collisionBoxArray) {

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart obtains collisionBoxArray from the first argument bucketPart of the method in symbol/placement.js#L388-L401:

        const {
            // ... truncated for legibility
            // ... truncated for legibility
        } = bucketPart.parameters;

collisionBoxArray of bucketPart.parameters comes from Tile#collisionBoxArray of the corresponding map tile. Please refer to Placement#getBucketParts for more details.

We can use SymbolBucket#collisionArrays after symbol placement has finished.

Parameter: posMatrix

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart obtains posMatrix from the first argument bucketPart of the method in symbol/placement.js#L388-L401:

        const {
            // ... truncated for legibility
            // ... truncated for legibility
        } = bucketPart.parameters;

Placement#getBucketParts calculates posMatrix at symbol/placement.js#L249:

        const posMatrix = getSymbolPlacementTileProjectionMatrix(tile.tileID, symbolBucket.getProjection(), this.transform, this.projection);

While getSymbolPlacementTileProjectionMatrix is not exported from mapbox-gl-js, it is not difficult to implement our version of the function. Please refer to getSymbolPlacementTileProjectionMatrix for more details.

Parameter: elevation

CollisionIndex#placeCollisionBox obtains elevation at symbol/collision_index.js#L102:

        const elevation = collisionBox.elevation;

placeIconFeature calls updateBoxData at symbol/placement.js#L704 to assign the elevation property to iconBox (=collisionBox):


updateBoxData calculates elevation in symbol/placement.js#L507-L509:

                box.elevation = this.transform.elevation ? this.transform.elevation.getAtTileOffset(
                    box.tileAnchorX, box.tileAnchorY) : 0;

Because Placement#placeLayerBucketPart directly passes elements of SymbolBucket#collisionArrays to updateBoxData, iconBox of every SymbolBucket#collisionArrays element should remember elevation after symbol placement has finished.

Please see also,

Parameter: textPixelRatio

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart obtains textPixelRatio from the first argument bucketPart of the method in symbol/placement.js#L388-L401:

        const {
            // ... truncated for legibility
            // ... truncated for legibility
        } = bucketPart.parameters;

Placement#getBucketParts calculates textPixelRatio at symbol/placement.js#L244:

        const textPixelRatio = tile.tileSize / EXTENT;

Please see also Tile#tileSize and EXTENT. Calculation of this parameter is a piece of cake.

Parameter: scale

placeIconFeature calculates iconScale (=scale) at symbol/placement.js#L708:

                    const iconScale = bucket.getSymbolInstanceIconSize(partiallyEvaluatedIconSize, this.transform.zoom, symbolIndex);

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart obtains partiallyEvaluatedIconSize from the first argument bucketPart of the method in symbol/placement.js#L388-L401:

        const {
            // ... truncated for legibility
            // ... truncated for legibility
        } = bucketPart.parameters;

Placement#getBucketParts calculates partiallyEvaluatedIconSize at symbol/placement.js#L317:

            partiallyEvaluatedIconSize: symbolSize.evaluateSizeForZoom(symbolBucket.iconSizeData, this.transform.zoom),

Please refer to SymbolBcuket#getSymbolInstanceIconSize for more details.

We can reproduce partiallyEvaluatedIconSize and calculate this parameter*.

* I found that the function symbolSize.evaluateSizeForZoom was not exported from mapbox-gl-js afterward. I will cover this in an upcoming post.

Parameter: shift

placeIconFeature calculates shiftPoint (=shift) in symbol/placement.js#L705-L707:

                    const shiftPoint: Point = hasIconTextFit && shift ?
                        offsetShift(shift.x, shift.y, rotateWithMap, pitchWithMap, this.transform.angle) :
                        new Point(0, 0);

shift in the above code is set at src/symbol/placement.js#L609:

                                    shift = result.shift;

hasIconFit is set at symbol/placement.js#L409:

        const hasIconTextFit = layout.get('icon-text-fit') !== 'none';

We may assume this parameter is Point(0, 0) because we focus on icons without a label.

Wrap up

There is no handy way to obtain collision boxes of hidden symbols in the screen coordinate. However, according to my analysis, we can recalculate the collision box of every single symbol if Placement, Tiles, and SymbolBuckets are available.

The following questions remain,

So, in an upcoming blog post, we will answer these questions.



This section briefly describes some words specific to mapbox-gl-js.


A vector tile or GeoJSON used as a layer data source is a collection of features. A feature has a shape (geometry) and optional properties.


mapbox-gl-js represents a map as a stack of layers. There are several layer types, and a "symbol" layer is one of them. Please refer to Layers|Style specification[1] for more details.

Map tile

mapbox-gl-js divides the world into grids of map tiles.

Tile coordinate (space)

Geometry in a map tile is encoded in its local coordinate (tile coordinate). Please refer to Vector tiles standards[2] for more details.

Source code reference

This section shows my supplemental comments on the source code of mapbox-gl-js.


Definition: ui/map.js#L326-L3677

This is the top most class you instantiate to use mapbox-gl-js.


Definition: ui/map.js#L327

    style: Style;

This property manages all the map data.

Please see also Style.


Definition: style/style.js#L135-L1860


Definition: style/style.js#L173

    placement: Placement;

Please see also Placement.


Definition: source/tile.js#L95-L799


Definition: src/source/tile.js#L99

    tileSize: number;

Definition: source/tile.js#L115

    collisionBoxArray: ?CollisionBoxArray;


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L192-L1184

Style retains an instance of Placement as Style#placement.


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L205

    retainedQueryData: {[_: number]: RetainedQueryData};

This property associates a SymbolBucket (bucket) with a RetainedQueryData.

Placement#getBucketParts assigns a new RetainedQueryData to a bucket in symbol/placement.js#L297-L303:

        this.retainedQueryData[symbolBucket.bucketInstanceId] = new RetainedQueryData(

This property is necessary to obtain the FeatureIndex (bucketFeatureIndex) associated with a SymbolBucket.


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L233-L333

This method calls getSymbolPlacementTileProjectionMatrix to calculate the projection matrix from the tile to screen coordinates.


Definition: geo/projection/projection_util.js#L35-L41

export function getSymbolPlacementTileProjectionMatrix(coord: OverscaledTileID, bucketProjection: Projection, transform: Transform, runtimeProjection: string): Float32Array {
    if ( === runtimeProjection) {
        return transform.calculateProjMatrix(coord.toUnwrapped());
    assert( ===;
    return reconstructTileMatrix(transform, bucketProjection, coord);

Definition: symbol/placement.js#L386-L808

This method is responsible for collision detection of symbols.

This method calls placeSymbol for each symbol in symbol/placement.js#L786-L797:

        if (zOrderByViewportY) {
            assert(bucketPart.symbolInstanceStart === 0);
            const symbolIndexes = bucket.getSortedSymbolIndexes(this.transform.angle);
            for (let i = symbolIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                const symbolIndex = symbolIndexes[i];
                placeSymbol(bucket.symbolInstances.get(symbolIndex), symbolIndex, bucket.collisionArrays[symbolIndex]);
        } else {
            for (let i = bucketPart.symbolInstanceStart; i < bucketPart.symbolInstanceEnd; i++) {
                placeSymbol(bucket.symbolInstances.get(i), i, bucket.collisionArrays[i]);

Definition: symbol/placement.js#L439-L784

This is an internal function of Placement#placeLayerBucketPart.

This function tests collision and places a given single symbol.

This function calls placeIconFeature to test collision of an icon.


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L703-L711

                const placeIconFeature = iconBox => {
                    const shiftPoint: Point = hasIconTextFit && shift ?
                        offsetShift(shift.x, shift.y, rotateWithMap, pitchWithMap, this.transform.angle) :
                        new Point(0, 0);
                    const iconScale = bucket.getSymbolInstanceIconSize(partiallyEvaluatedIconSize, this.transform.zoom, symbolIndex);
                    return this.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(bucket, iconScale, iconBox, shiftPoint,
                        iconAllowOverlap, textPixelRatio, posMatrix, collisionGroup.predicate);

This is an internal function of placeSymbol.

This function projects iconBox from the tile coordinate to the screen coordinate and tests collision of the projected box.

Please also see,


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L504-L510

            const updateBoxData = (box: SingleCollisionBox) => {
                box.tileID = this.retainedQueryData[bucket.bucketInstanceId].tileID;
                if (!this.transform.elevation && !box.elevation) return;
                box.elevation = this.transform.elevation ? this.transform.elevation.getAtTileOffset(
                    box.tileAnchorX, box.tileAnchorY) : 0;

This is an internal function of Placement#placeLayerBucketPart.


Definition: symbol/placement.js#L87-L105

export class RetainedQueryData {
    bucketInstanceId: number;
    featureIndex: FeatureIndex;
    sourceLayerIndex: number;
    bucketIndex: number;
    tileID: OverscaledTileID;
    featureSortOrder: ?Array<number>
    // ... truncated for simplicity


Definition: data/feature_index.js#L54-L312

FeatureIndex plays an important role in resolving the feature of a symbol.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L352-L1119


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L380

    collisionArrays: Array<CollisionArrays>;

SymbolBucket#deserializeCollisionBoxes initializes this property.

Please also see CollisionArrays.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L398

    textCollisionBox: CollisionBuffers;

This property stores collision boxes of all the text labels.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L399

    iconCollisionBox: CollisionBuffers;

This property stores collision boxes of all the icons.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L979-L995

This method initializes SymbolBucket#collisionArrays.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L882-L887

    getSymbolInstanceIconSize(iconSize: any, zoom: number, index: number): number {
        const symbol: any = this.icon.placedSymbolArray.get(index);
        const featureSize = symbolSize.evaluateSizeForFeature(this.iconSizeData, iconSize, symbol);

        return this.tilePixelRatio * featureSize;

Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L914-L939

Placement#placeLayerBucketPart calls this method only if Map#showCollisionBoxes is true.


Definition: data/bucket/symbol_bucket.js#L90-L99

export type CollisionArrays = {
    textBox?: SingleCollisionBox;
    verticalTextBox?: SingleCollisionBox;
    iconBox?: SingleCollisionBox;
    verticalIconBox?: SingleCollisionBox;
    textFeatureIndex?: number;
    verticalTextFeatureIndex?: number;
    iconFeatureIndex?: number;
    verticalIconFeatureIndex?: number;


Definition: symbol/collision_index.js#L64-L465


Definition: symbol/collision_index.js#L94-L143

    placeCollisionBox(bucket: SymbolBucket, scale: number, collisionBox: SingleCollisionBox, shift: Point, allowOverlap: boolean, textPixelRatio: number, posMatrix: Mat4, collisionGroupPredicate?: any): PlacedCollisionBox {
        assert(!this.transform.elevation || collisionBox.elevation !== undefined);

        let anchorX = collisionBox.projectedAnchorX;
        let anchorY = collisionBox.projectedAnchorY;
        let anchorZ = collisionBox.projectedAnchorZ;

        // Apply elevation vector to the anchor point
        const elevation = collisionBox.elevation;
        const tileID = collisionBox.tileID;
        if (elevation && tileID) {
            const up = bucket.getProjection().upVector(tileID.canonical, collisionBox.tileAnchorX, collisionBox.tileAnchorY);
            const upScale = bucket.getProjection().upVectorScale(tileID.canonical,, this.transform.worldSize).metersToTile;

            anchorX += up[0] * elevation * upScale;
            anchorY += up[1] * elevation * upScale;
            anchorZ += up[2] * elevation * upScale;

        const checkOcclusion = === 'globe' || !!elevation || this.transform.pitch > 0;
        const projectedPoint = this.projectAndGetPerspectiveRatio(posMatrix, [anchorX, anchorY, anchorZ], collisionBox.tileID, checkOcclusion, bucket.getProjection());

        const tileToViewport = textPixelRatio * projectedPoint.perspectiveRatio;
        const tlX = (collisionBox.x1 * scale + shift.x - collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.x;
        const tlY = (collisionBox.y1 * scale + shift.y - collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.y;
        const brX = (collisionBox.x2 * scale + shift.x + collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.x;
        const brY = (collisionBox.y2 * scale + shift.y + collisionBox.padding) * tileToViewport + projectedPoint.point.y;
        // Clip at 10 times the distance of the map center or, said otherwise, when the label
        // would be drawn at 10% the size of the features around it without scaling. Refer:
        // 0.55 === projection.getPerspectiveRatio(camera_to_center, camera_to_center * 10)
        const minPerspectiveRatio = 0.55;
        const isClipped = projectedPoint.perspectiveRatio <= minPerspectiveRatio || projectedPoint.occluded;

        if (!this.isInsideGrid(tlX, tlY, brX, brY) ||
            (!allowOverlap && this.grid.hitTest(tlX, tlY, brX, brY, collisionGroupPredicate)) ||
            isClipped) {
            return {
                box: [],
                offscreen: false,
                occluded: projectedPoint.occluded

        return {
            box: [tlX, tlY, brX, brY],
            offscreen: this.isOffscreen(tlX, tlY, brX, brY),
            occluded: false

placeIconFeature calls this method.


Definition: symbol/collision_index.js#L401-L406

    insertCollisionBox(collisionBox: Array<number>, ignorePlacement: boolean, bucketInstanceId: number, featureIndex: number, collisionGroupID: number) {
        const grid = ignorePlacement ? this.ignoredGrid : this.grid;

        const key = {bucketInstanceId, featureIndex, collisionGroupID};
        grid.insert(key, collisionBox[0], collisionBox[1], collisionBox[2], collisionBox[3]);

Definition: symbol/collision_index.js#L417-L445


Definition: geo/transform.js#L42-L2061


Definition: geo/transform.js#L220


Definition: terrain/elevation.js#L31-L237


Definition: terrain/elevation.js#L110-L115



Definition: data/extent.js#L18

export default 8192;

This value is referred to as EXTENT.


  1. Layers|Style specification
  2. Vector tiles standards